Dr. CJ Tseng


ICD-9    International Classification of Diseases

800 Fracture of vault of skull

    800.0 Closed fracture of vault of skull without mention of intracranial injury
    800.1 Closed fracture of vault of skull with cerebral laceration & contusion
    800.2 Closed fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    800.3 Closed fracture of vault of skull with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    800.4 Closed fracture of vault of skull with intercranial injury of other & unspecified nature
    800.5 Open fracture of vault of skull without mention of intracranial injury
    800.6 Open fracture of vault of skull with cerebral laceration & contusion
    800.7 Open fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    800.8 Open fracture of vault of skull with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    800.9 Open fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
801 Fracture of base of skull
    801.0 Closed fracture of base of skull without mention of intracranial injury
    801.1 Closed fracture of base of skull with cerebral laceration & contusion
    801.2 Closed fracture of base of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    801.3 Closed fracture of base of skull with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    801.4 Closed fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
    801.5 Open fracture of base of skull without mention of intracranial injury
    801.6 Open fracture of base of skull with cerebral laceration & contusion
    801.7 Open fracture of base of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    801.8 Open fracture of base of skull with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    801.9 Open fracture of base of skull with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
802 Fracture of face bones
    802.0 Closed fracture of nasal bones
    802.1 Open fracture of nasal bones
    802.2 Closed fracture of mandible
    802.3 Open fracture of mandible
    802.4 Closed fracture of malar & maxillary bones
    802.5 Open fracture of malar & maxillary bones
    802.6 Closed fracture of orbital floor (blow-out)
    802.7 Open fracture of orbital floor (blow-out)
    802.8 Closed fracture of other facial bones
    802.9 Open fracture of other facial bones
803 Other & unqualified skull fractures
    803.0 Other closed skull fracture without mention of intracranial injury
    803.1 Other closed skull fracture with cerebral laceration & contusion
    803.2 Other closed skull fracture with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    803.3 Closed skull fracture with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    803.4 Closed skull fracture with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
    803.5 Other open skull fracture without mention of intracranial injury
    803.6 Other open skull fracture with cerebral laceration & contusion
    803.7 Other open skull fracture with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    803.8 Other open skull fracture with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    803.9 Other open skull fracture with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
804 Multiple fractures involving skull or face with other bones
    804.0 Closed fractures involving skull or face with other bones, without mention of intracranial injury
    804.1 Closed fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with cerebral laceration & contusion
    804.2 Closed fractures involving skull or face with other bones with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    804.3 Closed fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    804.4 Closed fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
    804.5 Open fractures involving skull or face with other bones, without mention of intracranial injury
    804.6 Open fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with cerebral laceration & contusion
    804.7 Open fractures involving skull or face with other bones with subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage
    804.8 Open fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
    804.9 Open fractures involving skull or face with other bones, with intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.0 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.1 Open fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.2 Closed fracture of dorsal [thoracic] vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.3 Open fracture of dorsal [thoracic] vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.4 Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.5 Open fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.6 Closed fracture of sacrum & coccyx without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.7 Open fracture of sacrum & coccyx without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.8 Closed fracture of unspecified part of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury
    805.9 Open fracture of unspecified part of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury
806 Fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord injury
    806.0 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra with spinal cord injury
    806.1 Open fracture of cervical vertebra with spinal cord injury
    806.2 Closed fracture of dorsal vertebra with spinal cord injury
    806.3 Open fracture of dorsal vertebra with spinal cord injury
    806.4 Closed fracture of lumbar spine with spinal cord injury
    806.5 Open fracture of lumbar spine with spinal cord injury
    806.6 Closed fracture of sacrum & coccyx with spinal cord injury
    806.7 Open fracture of sacrum & coccyx with spinal cord injury
    806.8 Closed fracture of unspecified vertebra with spinal cord injury
    806.9 Open fracture of unspecified vertebra with spinal cord injury
807 Fracture of rib(s), sternum, larynx, & trachea
    807.0 Closed fracture of rib(s)
    807.1 Open fracture of rib(s)
    807.2 Closed fracture of sternum
    807.3 Open fracture of sternum
    807.4 Flail chest
    807.5 Closed fracture of larynx & trachea
    807.6 Open fracture of larynx & trachea
808 Fracture of pelvis
    808.0 Closed fracture of acetabulum
    808.1 Open fracture of acetabulum
    808.2 Closed fracture of pubis
    808.3 Open fracture of pubis
    808.4 Closed fracture of other specified part of pelvis
    808.5 Open fracture of other specified part of pelvis
    808.8 Unspecified closed fracture of pelvis
    808.9 Unspecified open fracture of pelvis
809 Ill-defined fractures of bones of trunk
    809.0 Fracture of bones of trunk, closed
    809.1 Fracture of bones of trunk, open
810 Fracture of clavicle
    810.0 Closed fracture of clavicle
    810.1 Open fracture of clavicle
811 Fracture of scapula
    811.0 Closed fracture of scapula
    811.1 Open fracture of scapula
812 Fracture of humerus
    812.0 Fracture of upper end of humerus, closed
    812.1 Fracture of upper end of humerus, open
    812.2 Closed fracture of shaft or unspecified part of humerus
    812.3 Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of humerus, open
    812.4 Fracture of lower end of humerus, closed
    812.5 Fracture of lower end of humerus, open
813 Fracture of radius & ulna
    813.0 Fracture of upper end of radius & ulna, closed
    813.1 Fracture of upper end of radius & ulna, open
    813.2 Fracture of shaft of radius & ulna, closed
    813.3 Fracture of shaft of radius & ulna, open
    813.4 Fracture of lower end of radius & ulna, closed
    813.5 Fracture of lower end of radius & ulna, open
    813.8 Fracture of unspecified part of radius with ulna, closed
    813.9 Fracture of unspecified part of radius with ulna, open
814 Fracture of carpal bone(s)
    814.0 Closed fractures of carpal bones
    814.1 Open fractures of carpal bones
815 Fracture of metacarpal bone(s)
    815.0 Closed fracture of metacarpal bones
    815.1 Open fracture of metacarpal bones
816 Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
    816.0 Closed fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
    816.1 Open fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
817 Multiple fractures of hand bones
    817.0 Multiple closed fractures of hand bones
    817.1 Multiple open fractures of hand bones
818 Ill-defined fractures of upper limb
    818.0 Ill-defined closed fractures of upper limb
    818.1 Ill-defined open fractures of upper limb
819 Multiple fractures involving both upper limbs, & upper limb with rib(s) & sternum
    819.0 Multiple closed fractures involving both upper limbs, & upper limb with rib(s) & sternum
    819.1 Multiple open fractures involving both upper limbs, & upper limb with rib(s) & sternum
820 Fracture of neck of femur
    820.0 Transcervical fracture, closed
    820.1 Transcervical fracture, open
    820.2 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur, closed
    820.3 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur, open
    820.8 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur, closed
    820.9 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur, open
821 Fracture of other & unspecified parts of femur
    821.0 Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of femur, closed
    821.1 Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of femur, open
    821.2 Fracture of lower end of femur, closed
    821.3 Fracture of lower end of femur, open
822 Fracture of patella
    822.0 Closed fracture of patella
    822.1 Open fracture of patella
823 Fracture of tibia & fibula
    823.0 Fracture of upper end of tibia & fibula, closed
    823.1 Fracture of upper end of tibia & fibula, open
    823.2 Fracture of shaft of tibia & fibula, closed
    823.3 Fracture of shaft of tibia & fibula, open
    823.8 Fracture of unspecified part of tibia & fibula, closed
    823.9 Fracture of unspecified part of tibia & fibula, open
824 Fracture of ankle
    824.0 Fracture of medial malleolus, closed
    824.1 Fracture of medial malleolus, open
    824.2 Fracture of lateral malleolus, closed
    824.3 Fracture of lateral malleolus, open
    824.4 Bimalleolar fracture, closed
    824.5 Bimalleolar fracture, open
    824.6 Trimalleolar fracture, closed
    824.7 Trimalleolar fracture, open
    824.8 Unspecified fracture of ankle, closed
    824.9 Unspecified fracture of ankle, open
825 Fracture of one or more tarsal & metatarsal bones
    825.0 Fracture of calcaneus, closed
    825.1 Fracture of calcaneus, open
    825.2 Fracture of other tarsal & metatarsal bones, closed
    825.3 Fracture of other tarsal & metatarsal bones, open
826 Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
    826.0 Closed fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
    826.1 Open fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
827 Other, multiple, & ill-defined fractures of lower limb
    827.0 Other, multiple & ill-defined fractures of lower limb, closed
    827.1 Other, multiple & ill-defined fractures of lower limb, open
828 Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, & lower limb(s) with rib(s) & sternum
    828.0 Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, & lower limb(s) with rib(s) & sternum, closed
    828.1 Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, & lower limb(s) with rib(s) & sternum, open
829 Fracture of unspecified bones
    829.0 Fracture of unspecified bone, closed
    829.1 Fracture of unspecified bone, open
830 Dislocation of jaw
    830.0 Closed dislocation of jaw
    830.1 Open dislocation of jaw
831 Dislocation of shoulder
    831.0 Closed dislocation of shoulder
    831.1 Open dislocation of shoulder
832 Dislocation of elbow
    832.0 Closed dislocation of elbow
    832.1 Open dislocation of elbow
833 Dislocation of wrist
    833.0 Closed dislocation of wrist
    833.1 Open dislocation of wrist
834 Dislocation of finger
    834.0 Closed dislocation of finger
    834.1 Open dislocation of finger
835 Dislocation of hip
    835.0 Closed dislocation of hip
    835.1 Open dislocation of hip
836 Dislocation of knee
    836.0 Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus of knee, current
    836.1 Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus of knee, current
    836.2 Other tear of cartilage or meniscus of knee, current
    836.3 Dislocation of patella, closed
    836.4 Dislocation of patella, open
    836.5 Other dislocation of knee, closed
    836.6 Other dislocation of knee, open
837 Dislocation of ankle
    837.0 Closed dislocation of ankle
    837.1 Open dislocation of ankle
838 Dislocation of foot
    838.0 Closed dislocation of foot
    838.1 Open dislocation of foot
839 Other, multiple, & ill-defined dislocations
    839.0 Closed dislocation, cervical vertebra
    839.1 Open dislocation, cervical vertebra
    839.2 Closed dislocation, thoracic & lumbar vertebra
    839.3 Open dislocation, thoracic & lumbar vertebra
    839.4 Closed dislocation, other vertebra
    839.5 Open dislocation, other vertebra
    839.6 Closed dislocation, other location
    839.7 Open dislocation, other location
    839.8 Closed dislocation, multiple & ill-defined sites
    839.9 Open dislocation, multiple & ill-defined sites
840 Sprains & strains of shoulder & upper arm
    840.0 Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain
    840.1 Coracoclavicular (ligament) sprain
    840.2 Coracohumeral (ligament) sprain
    840.3 Infraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain
    840.4 Rotator cuff (capsule) sprain
    840.5 Subscapularis (muscle) sprain
    840.6 Supraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain
    840.8 Sprain of other specified sites of shoulder & upper arm
    840.9 Sprain of unspecified site of shoulder & upper arm
841 Sprains & strains of elbow & forearm
    841.0 Radial collateral ligament sprain
    841.1 Ulnar collateral ligament sprain
    841.2 Radiohumeral (joint) sprain
    841.3 Ulnohumeral (joint) sprain
    841.8 Sprain of other specified sites of elbow & forearm
    841.9 Sprain of unspecified site of elbow & forearm
842 Sprains & strains of wrist & hand
    842.0 Wrist sprain
    842.1 hand sprain
843 Sprains & strains of hip & thigh
    843.0 Iliofemoral (ligament) sprain
    843.1 Ischiocapsular (ligament) sprain
    843.8 Sprain of other specified sites of hip & thigh
    843.9 Sprain of unspecified site of hip & thigh
844 Sprains & strains of knee & leg
    844.0 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee
    844.1 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee
    844.2 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
    844.3 Sprain of tibiofibular (joint) (ligament) superior, of knee
    844.8 Sprain of other specified sites of knee & leg
    844.9 Sprain of unspecified site of knee & leg
845 Sprains & strains of ankle & foot
    845.0 Ankle sprain
    845.1 Foot sprain
846 Sprains & strains of sacroiliac region
    846.0 Lumbosacral (joint) (ligament) sprain
    846.1 Sacroiliac (ligament) sprain
    846.2 Sacrospinatus (ligament) sprain
    846.3 Sacrotuberous (ligament) sprain
    846.8 Other specified sites of sacroiliac region sprain
    846.9 Unspecified site of sacroiliac region sprain
847 Sprains & strains of other & unspecified parts of back
    847.0 Neck sprain
    847.1 Thoracic sprain
    847.2 Lumbar sprain
    847.3 Sprain of sacrum
    847.4 Sprain of coccyx
    847.9 Sprain of unspecified site of back
848 Other & ill-defined sprains & strains
    848.0 Sprain of septal cartilage of nose
    848.1 Jaw sprain
    848.2 Thyroid region sprain
    848.3 Sprain of ribs
    848.4 Sternum sprain
    848.5 Pelvic sprain
    848.8 Other specified sites of sprains & strains
    848.9 Unspecified site of sprain & strain
850 Concussion
    850.0 Concussion with no loss of consciousness
    850.1 Concussion with brief loss of consciousness
    850.2 Concussion with moderate loss of consciousness
    850.3 Concussion with prolonged loss of consciousness & return to pre-existing conscious level
    850.4 Concussion with prolonged loss of consciousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level
    850.5 Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
    850.9 Concussion, unspecified
851 Cerebral laceration & contusion
    851.0 Cortex (cerebral) contusion without mention of open intracranial wound
    851.1 Cortex (cerebral) contusion with open intracranial wound
    851.2 Cortex (cerebral) laceration without mention of open intracranial wound
    851.3 Cortex (cerebral) laceration with open intracranial wound
    851.4 Cerebellar or brain stem contusion without mention of open intracranial wound
    851.5 Cerebellar or brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound
    851.6 Cerebellar or brain stem laceration without mention of open intracranial wound
    851.7 Cerebellar or brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound
    851.8 Other & unspecified cerebral laceration & contusion, without mention of open intracranial wound
    851.9 Other & unspecified cerebral laceration & contusion, with open intracranial wound
852 Subarachnoid, subdural, & extradural hemorrhage, following injury
    852.0 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
    852.1 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
    852.2 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
    852.3 Subdural hemorrhage following injury, with open intracranial wound
    852.4 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
    852.5 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
853 Other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury
    853.0 Other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury, without mention of open intracranial wound
    853.1 Other & unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
854 Intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature
    854.0 Intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature without mention of open intracranial wound
    854.1 Intracranial injury of other & unspecified nature with open intracranial wound
860 Traumatic pneumothorax & hemothorax
    860.0 Traumatic pneumothorax without mention of open wound into thorax
    860.1 Traumatic pneumothorax with open wound into thorax
    860.2 Traumatic hemothorax without mention of open wound into thorax
    860.3 Traumatic hemothorax with open wound into thorax
    860.4 Traumatic pneumohemothorax without mention of open wound into thorax
    860.5 Traumatic pneumohemothorax with open wound into thorax
861 Injury to heart & lung
    861.0 Heart injury, without mention of open wound into thorax
    861.1 Heart injury, with open wound into thorax
    861.2 Lung injury, without mention of open wound into thorax
    861.3 Lung injury, with open wound into thorax
862 Injury to other & unspecified intrathoracic organs
    862.0 Injury to diaphragm without mention of open wound into cavity
    862.1 Injury to diaphragm with open wound into cavity
    862.2 Injury to other specified intrathoracic organs without mention of open wound into cavity
    862.3 Injury to other specified intrathoracic organs with open wound into cavity
    862.8 Injury to multiple & unspecified intrathoracic organs without mention of open wound into cavity
    862.9 Injury to multiple & unspecified intrathoracic organs with open wound into cavity
863 Injury to gastrointestinal tract
    863.0 Injury to stomach without mention of open wound into cavity
    863.1 Injury to stomach with open wound into cavity
    863.2 Injury to small intestine without mention of open wound into cavity
    863.3 Injury to small intestine with open wound into cavity
    863.4 Injury to colon or rectum without mention of open wound into cavity
    863.5 Injury to colon or rectum with open wound into cavity
    863.8 Injury to other & unspecified gastrointestinal sites without mention of open wound into cavity
    863.9 Injury to other & unspecified gastrointestinal sites, with open wound into cavity
864 Injury to liver
    864.0 Injury to liver without mention of open wound into cavity
    864.1 Injury to liver with open wound into cavity
865 Injury to spleen
    865.0 Injury to spleen without mention of open wound into cavity
    865.1 Injury to spleen with open wound into cavity
866 Injury to kidney
    866.0 Injury to kidney without mention of open wound into cavity
    866.1 Injury to kidney with open wound into cavity
867 Injury to pelvic organs
    867.0 Injury to bladder & urethra without mention of open wound into cavity
    867.1 Injury to bladder & urethra with open wound into cavity
    867.2 Injury to ureter without mention of open wound into cavity
    867.3 Injury to ureter with open wound into cavity
    867.4 Injury to uterus without mention of open wound into cavity
    867.5 Injury to uterus with open wound into cavity
    867.6 Injury to other specified pelvic organs without mention of open wound into cavity
    867.7 Injury to other specified pelvic organs with open wound into cavity
    867.8 Injury to unspecified pelvic organ without mention of open wound into cavity
    867.9 Injury to unspecified pelvic organ with open wound into cavity
868 Injury to other intra-abdominal organs
    868.0 Injury to other intra-abdominal organs without mention of open wound into cavity
    868.1 Injury to other intra-abdominal organs with open wound into cavity
869 Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined organs
    869.0 Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined organs without mention of open wound into cavity
    869.1 Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined organs with open wound into cavity
870 Open wound of ocular adnexa
    870.0 Laceration of skin of eyelid & periocular area
    870.1 Laceration of eyelid, full-thickness, not involving lacrimal passages
    870.2 Laceration of eyelid involving lacrimal passages
    870.3 Penetrating wound of orbit, without mention of foreign body
    870.4 Penetrating wound of orbit with foreign body
    870.8 Other specified open wounds of ocular adnexa
    870.9 Unspecified open wound of ocular adnexa
871 Open wound of eyeball
    871.0 Ocular laceration without prolapse of intraocular tissue
    871.1 Ocular laceration with prolapse or exposure of intraocular tissue
    871.2 Rupture of eye with partial loss of intraocular tissue
    871.3 Avulsion of eye
    871.4 Unspecified laceration of eye
    871.5 Penetration of eyeball with magnetic foreign body
    871.6 Penetration of eyeball with (nonmagnetic) foreign body
    871.7 Unspecified ocular penetration
    871.9 Unspecified open wound of eyeball
872 Open wound of ear
    872.0 Open wound of external ear, without mention of complication
    872.1 Open wound of external ear, complicated
    872.6 Open wound of other specified parts of ear, without mention of complication
    872.7 Open wound of other specified parts of ear, complicated
    872.8 Open wound of ear, part unspecified, without mention of complication
    872.9 Open wound of ear, part unspecified, complicated
873 Other open wound of head
    873.0 Open wound of scalp, without mention of complication
    873.1 Open wound of scalp, complicated
    873.2 Open wound of nose, without mention of complication
    873.3 Open wound of nose, complicated
    873.4 Open wound of face, without mention of complication
    873.5 Open wound of face, complicated
    873.6 Open wound of internal structures of mouth, without mention of complication
    873.7 Open wound of internal structure of mouth, complicated
    873.8 Other & unspecified open wound of head without mention of complication
    873.9 Other & unspecified open wound of head, complicated
874 Open wound of neck
    874.0 Open wound of larynx & trachea, without mention of complication
    874.1 Open wound of larynx & trachea, complicated
    874.2 Open wound of thyroid gland, without mention of complication
    874.3 Open wound of thyroid gland, complicated
    874.4 Open wound of pharynx, without mention of complication
    874.5 Open wound of pharynx, complicated
    874.8 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of neck, without mention of complication
    874.9 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of neck, complicated
875 Open wound of chest (wall)
    875.0 Open wound of chest (wall), without mention of complication
    875.1 Open wound of chest (wall), complicated
876 Open wound of back
    876.0 Open wound of back, without mention of complication
    876.1 Open wound of back, complicated
877 Open wound of buttock
    877.0 Open wound of buttock, without mention of complication
    877.1 Open wound of buttock, complicated
878 Open wound of genital organs (external), including traumatic amputation
    878.0 Open wound of penis, without mention of complication
    878.1 Open wound of penis, complicated
    878.2 Open wound of scrotum & testes, without mention of complication
    878.3 Open wound of scrotum & testes, complicated
    878.4 Open wound of vulva, without mention of complication
    878.5 Open wound of vulva, complicated
    878.6 Open wound of vagina, without mention of complication
    878.7 Open wound of vagina, complicated
    878.8 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of genital organs, without mention of complication
    878.9 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of genital organs, complicated
879 Open wound of other & unspecified sites, except limbs
    879.0 Open wound of breast, without mention of complication
    879.1 Open wound of breast, complicated
    879.2 Open wound of abdominal wall, anterior, without mention of complication
    879.3 Open wound of abdominal wall, anterior, complicated
    879.4 Open wound of abdominal wall, lateral, without mention of complication
    879.5 Open wound of abdominal wall, lateral, complicated
    879.6 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of trunk, without mention of complication
    879.7 Open wound of other & unspecified parts of trunk, complicated
    879.8 Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), without mention of complication
    879.9 Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), complicated
880 Open wound of shoulder & upper arm
    880.0 Open wound of shoulder & upper arm, without mention of complication
    880.1 Open wound of shoulder & upper arm, complicated
    880.2 Open wound of shoulder & upper arm, with tendon involvement
881 Open wound of elbow, forearm, & wrist
    881.0 Open wound of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without mention of complication
    881.1 Open wound of elbow, forearm, & wrist, complicated
    881.2 Open wound of elbow, forearm, & wrist, with tendon involvement
882 Open wound of hand except finger(s) alone
    882.0 Open wound of hand except fingers alone, without mention of complication
    882.1 Open wound of hand except fingers alone, complicated
    882.2 Open wound of hand except fingers alone, with tendon involvement
883 Open wound of finger(s)
    883.0 Open wound of fingers, without mention of complication
    883.1 Open wound of fingers, complicated
    883.2 Open wound of fingers, with tendon involvement
884 Multiple & unspecified open wound of upper limb
    884.0 Multiple & unspecified open wound of upper limb, without mention of complication
    884.1 Multiple & unspecified open wound of upper limb, complicated
    884.2 Multiple & unspecified open wound of upper limb, with tendon involvement
885 Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete) (partial)
    885.0 Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete)(partial), without mention of complication
    885.1 Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete)(partial), complicated
886 Traumatic amputation of other finger(s) (complete) (partial)
    886.0 Traumatic amputation of other finger(s) (complete) (partial), without mention of complication
    886.1 Traumatic amputation of other finger(s) (complete) (partial), complicated
887 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial)
    887.0 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, below elbow, without mention of complication
    887.1 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, below elbow, complicated
    887.2 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, at or above elbow, without mention of complication
    887.3 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, at or above elbow, complicated
    887.4 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, level not specified, without mention of
    887.5 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), unilateral, level not specified, complicated
    887.6 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), bilateral [any level], without mention of complication
    887.7 Traumatic amputation of arm & hand (complete) (partial), bilateral [any level], complicated
890 Open wound of hip & thigh
    890.0 Open wound of hip & thigh, without mention of complication
    890.1 Open wound of hip & thigh, complicated
    890.2 Open wound of hip & thigh, with tendon involvement
891 Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh], & ankle
    891.0 Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh], & ankle, without mention of complication
    891.1 Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh], & ankle, complicated
    891.2 Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh], & ankle, with tendon involvement
892 Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone
    892.0 Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone, without mention of complication
    892.1 Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone, complicated
    892.2 Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone, with tendon involvement
893 Open wound of toe(s)
    893.0 Open wound of toe(s), without mention of complication
    893.1 Open wound of toe(s), complicated
    893.2 Open wound of toe(s), with tendon involvement
894 Multiple & unspecified open wound of lower limb
    894.0 Multiple & unspecified open wound of lower limb, without mention of complication
    894.1 Multiple & unspecified open wound of lower limb, complicated
    894.2 Multiple & unspecified open wound of lower limb, with tendon involvement
895 Traumatic amputation of toe(s) (complete) (partial)
    895.0 Traumatic amputation of toe(s) (complete) (partial), without mention of complication
    895.1 Traumatic amputation of toe(s) (complete) (partial), complicated
896 Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial)
    896.0 Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial), unilateral, without mention of complication
    896.1 Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial), unilateral, complicated
    896.2 Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial), bilateral, without mention of complication
    896.3 Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial), bilateral, complicated
897 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial)
    897.0 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, below knee, without mention of complication
    897.1 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, below knee, complicated
    897.2 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, at or above knee, without mention of complication
    897.3 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, at or above knee, complicated
    897.4 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, level not specified, without mention of complication
    897.5 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), unilateral, level not specified, complicated
    897.6 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), bilateral [any level], without mention of complication
    897.7 Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial), bilateral [any level], complicated
900 Injury to blood vessels of head & neck
    900.0 Injury to carotid artery
    900.1 Injury to internal jugular vein
    900.8 Injury to other specified blood vessels of head & neck
    900.9 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of head & neck
901 Injury to blood vessels of thorax
    901.0 Injury to thoracic aorta
    901.1 Injury to innominate & subclavian arteries
    901.2 Injury to superior vena cava
    901.3 Injury to innominate & subclavian veins
    901.4 Injury to pulmonary blood vessels
    901.8 Injury to other specified blood vessels of thorax
    901.9 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of thorax
902 Injury to blood vessels of abdomen & pelvis
    902.0 Injury to abdominal aorta
    902.1 Injury to inferior vena cava
    902.2 Injury to celiac & mesenteric arteries
    902.3 Injury to portal & splenic veins
    902.4 Injury to renal blood vessels
    902.5 Injury to iliac blood vessels
    902.8 Injury to other specified blood vessels of abdomen & pelvis
    902.9 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of abdomen & pelvis
903 Injury to blood vessels of upper extremity
    903.0 Injury to axillary blood vessels
    903.1 Injury to brachial blood vessels
    903.2 Injury to radial blood vessels
    903.3 Injury to ulnar blood vessels
    903.4 Injury to palmar artery
    903.5 Injury to digital blood vessels
    903.8 Injury to other specified blood vessels of upper extremity
    903.9 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of upper extremity
904 Injury to blood vessels of lower extremity & unspecified sites
    904.0 Injury to common femoral artery
    904.1 Injury to superficial femoral artery
    904.2 Injury to femoral veins
    904.3 Injury to saphenous veins
    904.4 Injury to popliteal blood vessels
    904.5 Injury to tibial blood vessels
    904.6 Injury to deep plantar blood vessels
    904.7 Injury to other specified blood vessels of lower extremity
    904.8 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of lower extremity
    904.9 Injury to blood vessels of unspecified site
905 Late effects of musculoskeletal & connective tissue injuries
    905.0 Late effect of fracture of skull & face bones
    905.1 Late effect of fracture of spine & trunk without mention of spinal cord lesion
    905.2 Late effect of fracture of upper extremities
    905.3 Late effect of fracture of neck of femur
    905.4 Late effect of fracture of lower extremities
    905.5 Late effect of fracture of multiple & unspecified bones
    905.6 Late effect of dislocation
    905.7 Late effect of sprain & strain without mention of tendon injury
    905.8 Late effect of tendon injury
    905.9 Late effect of traumatic amputation
906 Late effects of injuries to skin & subcutaneous tissues
    906.0 Late effect of open wound of head, neck, & trunk
    906.1 Late effect of open wound of extremities without mention of tendon injury
    906.2 Late effect of superficial injury
    906.3 Late effect of contusion
    906.4 Late effect of crushing
    906.5 Late effect of burn of eye, face, head, & neck
    906.6 Late effect of burn of wrist & hand
    906.7 Late effect of burn of other extremities
    906.8 Late effect of burns of other specified sites
    906.9 Late effect of burn of unspecified site
907 Late effects of injuries to the nervous system
    907.0 Late effect of intracranial injury without mention of skull fracture
    907.1 Late effect of injury to cranial nerve
    907.2 Late effect of spinal cord injury
    907.3 Late effect of injury to nerve root(s), spinal plexus(es), & other nerves of trunk
    907.4 Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of shoulder girdle & upper limb
    907.5 Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of pelvic girdle & lower limb
    907.9 Late effect of injury to other & unspecified nerve
908 Late effects of other & unspecified injuries
    908.0 Late effect of internal injury to chest
    908.1 Late effect of internal injury to intra-abdominal organs
    908.2 Late effect of internal injury to other internal organs
    908.3 Late effect of injury to blood vessel of head, neck, & extremities
    908.4 Late effect of injury to blood vessel of thorax, abdomen, & pelvis
    908.5 Late effect of foreign body in orifice
    908.6 Late effect of certain complications of trauma
    908.9 Late effect of unspecified injury
909 Late effects of other & unspecified external causes
    909.0 Late effect of poisoning due to drug, medicinal or biological substance
    909.1 Late effect of toxic effects of nonmedical substances
    909.2 Late effect of radiation
    909.3 Late effect of complications of surgical & medical care
    909.4 Late effect of certain other external causes
    909.9 Late effect of other & unspecified external causes
910 Superficial injury of face, neck, & scalp except eye
    910.0 Abrasion or friction burn of face, neck, & scalp except eye, without mention of infection
    910.1 Abrasion or friction burn of face, neck, & scalp except eye, infected
    910.2 Blister of face, neck, & scalp except eye, without mention of infection
    910.3 Blister of face, neck, & scalp except eye, infected
    910.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous of face, neck, & scalp except eye, without mention of infection
    910.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous of face, neck, & scalp except eye, infected
    910.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of face, neck, & scalp except eye, without major open wound & without
    910.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of face, neck, & scalp except eye, without major open wound, infected
    910.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of face, neck, & scalp, without mention of infection
    910.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of face, neck, & scalp, infected
911 Superficial injury of trunk
    911.0 Abrasion or friction burn of trunk, without mention of infection
    911.1 Abrasion or friction burn of trunk, infected
    911.2 Blister of trunk, without mention of infection
    911.3 Blister of trunk, infected
    911.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous of trunk, without mention of infection
    911.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous of trunk, infected
    911.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of trunk, without major open wound & without mention of infection
    911.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of trunk, without major open wound, infected
    911.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of trunk, without mention of infection
    911.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of trunk, infected
912 Superficial injury of shoulder & upper arm
    912.0 Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder & upper arm, without mention of infection
    912.1 Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder & upper arm, infected
    912.2 Blister of shoulder & upper arm, without mention of infection
    912.3 Blister of shoulder & upper arm, infected
    912.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous of shoulder & upper arm, without mention of infection
    912.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous of shoulder & upper arm, infected
    912.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of shoulder & upper arm, without major open wound & without mention of infection
    912.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of shoulder & upper arm, without major open wound, infected
    912.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of shoulder & upper arm, without mention of infection
    912.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of shoulder & upper arm, infected
913 Superficial injury of elbow, forearm, & wrist
    913.0 Abrasion or friction burn of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without mention of infection
    913.1 Abrasion or friction burn of elbow, forearm, & wrist, infected
    913.2 Blister of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without mention of infection
    913.3 Blister of elbow, forearm, & wrist, infected
    913.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without mention of infection
    913.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of elbow, forearm, & wrist, infected
    913.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without major open wound & without mention of infection
    913.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without major open wound, infected
    913.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of elbow, forearm, & wrist, without mention of infection
    913.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of elbow, forearm, & wrist, infected
914 Superficial injury of hand(s) except finger(s) alone
    914.0 Abrasion or friction burn of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without mention of infection
    914.1 Abrasion or friction burn of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, infected
    914.2 Blister of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without mention of infection
    914.3 Blister of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, infected
    914.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without mention of infection
    914.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, infected
    914.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without major open wound & without
    914.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without major open wound, infected
    914.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, without mention of infection
    914.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of hand(s) except finger(s) alone, infected
915 Superficial injury of finger(s)
    915.0 Abrasion or friction burn of fingers, without mention of infection
    915.1 Abrasion or friction burn of fingers, infected
    915.2 Blister of fingers, without mention of infection
    915.3 Blister of fingers, infected
    915.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of fingers, without mention of infection
    915.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous of fingers, infected
    915.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of fingers, without major open wound & without mention of infection
    915.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of fingers, without major open wound, infected
    915.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of fingers without mention of infection
    915.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of fingers, infected
916 Superficial injury of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle
    916.0 Abrasion or friction burn of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without mention of infection
    916.1 Abrasion or friction burn of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, infected
    916.2 Blister of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without mention of infection
    916.3 Blister of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, infected
    916.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without mention of infection
    916.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, infected
    916.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without major open wound & without mention of infection
    916.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without major open wound, infected
    916.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, without mention of infection
    916.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of hip, thigh, leg, & ankle, infected
917 Superficial injury of foot & toe(s)
    917.0 Abrasion or friction burn of foot & toe(s), without mention of infection
    917.1 Abrasion or friction burn of foot & toe(s), infected
    917.2 Blister of foot & toe(s), without mention of infection
    917.3 Blister of foot & toe(s), infected
    917.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot & toe(s), without mention of infection
    917.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot & toe(s), infected
    917.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of foot & toe(s), without major open wound & without mention of infection
    917.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of foot & toe(s), without major open wound, infected
    917.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of foot & toes, without mention of infection
    917.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of foot & toes, infected
918 Superficial injury of eye & adnexa
    918.0 Superficial injury of eyelids & periocular area
    918.1 Superficial injury of cornea
    918.2 Superficial injury of conjunctiva
    918.9 Other & unspecified superficial injuries of eye
919 Superficial injury of other, multiple, & unspecified sites
    919.0 Abrasion or friction burn of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without mention of infection
    919.1 Abrasion or friction burn of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, infected
    919.2 Blister of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without mention of infection
    919.3 Blister of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, infected
    919.4 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without mention of infection
    919.5 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, infected
    919.6 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without major open wound & without
    919.7 Superficial foreign body (splinter) of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without major open wound, infected
    919.8 Other & unspecified superficial injury of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, without mention of infection
    919.9 Other & unspecified superficial injury of other, multiple, & unspecified sites, infected
920 Contusion of face, scalp, & neck except eye(s)
921 Contusion of eye & adnexa
    921.0 Black eye, not otherwise specified
    921.1 Contusion of eyelids & periocular area
    921.2 Contusion of orbital tissues
    921.3 Contusion of eyeball
    921.9 Unspecified contusion of eye
922 Contusion of trunk
    922.0 Contusion of breast
    922.1 Contusion of chest wall
    922.2 Contusion of abdominal wall
    922.3 Contusion of back
    922.4 Contusion of genital organs
    922.8 Contusion of multiple sites of trunk
    922.9 Contusion of unspecified part of trunk
923 Contusion of upper limb
    923.0 Contusion of shoulder & upper arm
    923.1 Contusion of elbow & forearm
    923.2 Contusion of wrist & hand(s), except finger(s) alone
    923.3 Contusion of finger
    923.8 Contusion of multiple sites of upper limb
    923.9 Contusion of unspecified part of upper limb
924 Contusion of lower limb & of other & unspecified sites
    924.0 Contusion of hip & thigh
    924.1 Contusion of knee & lower leg
    924.2 Contusion of ankle & foot, excluding toe(s)
    924.3 Contusion of toe
    924.4 Contusion of multiple sites of lower limb
    924.5 Contusion of unspecified part of lower limb
    924.8 Contusion of multiple sites, not elsewhere classified
    924.9 Contusion of unspecified site
925 Crushing injury of face, scalp, & neck
926 Crushing injury of trunk
    926.0 Crushing injury of external genitalia
    926.1 Crushing injury of other specified sites of trunk
    926.8 Crushing injury of multiple sites of trunk
    926.9 Crushing injury of unspecified site of trunk
927 Crushing injury of upper limb
    927.0 Crushing injury of shoulder & upper arm
    927.1 Crushing injury of elbow & forearm
    927.2 Crushing injury of wrist & hand(s), except finger(s) alone
    927.3 Crushing injury of finger(s)
    927.8 Crushing injury of multiple sites of upper limb
    927.9 Crushing injury of unspecified site of upper limb
928 Crushing injury of lower limb
    928.0 Crushing injury of hip & thigh
    928.1 Crushing injury of knee & lower leg
    928.2 Crushing injury of ankle & foot, excluding toe(s) alone
    928.3 Crushing injury of toe(s)
    928.8 Crushing injury of multiple sites of lower limb
    928.9 Crushing injury of unspecified site of lower limb
929 Crushing injury of multiple & unspecified sites
    929.0 Crushing injury of multiple sites, not elsewhere classified
    929.9 Crushing injury of unspecified site
930 Foreign body on external eye
    930.0 Corneal foreign body
    930.1 Foreign body in conjunctival sac
    930.2 Foreign body in lacrimal punctum
    930.8 Foreign body in other & combined sites on external eye
    930.9 Foreign body in unspecified site on external eye
931 Foreign body in ear
932 Foreign body in nose
933 Foreign body in pharynx & larynx
    933.0 Foreign body in pharynx
    933.1 Foreign body in larynx
934 Foreign body in trachea, bronchus, & lung
    934.0 Foreign body in trachea
    934.1 Foreign body in main bronchus
    934.8 Foreign body in other specified parts bronchus & lung
    934.9 Foreign body in respiratory tree, unspecified
935 Foreign body in mouth, esophagus, & stomach
    935.0 Foreign body in mouth
    935.1 Foreign body in esophagus
    935.2 Foreign body in stomach
936 Foreign body in intestine & colon
937 Foreign body in anus & rectum
938 Foreign body in digestive system, unspecified
939 Foreign body in genitourinary tract
    939.0 Foreign body in bladder & urethra
    939.1 Foreign body in uterus, any part
    939.2 Foreign body in vulva & vagina
    939.3 Foreign body in penis
    939.9 Foreign body in unspecified site in genitourinary tract
940 Burn confined to eye & adnexa
    940.0 Chemical burn of eyelids & periocular area
    940.1 Other burns of eyelids & periocular area
    940.2 Alkaline chemical burn of cornea & conjunctival sac
    940.3 Acid chemical burn of cornea & conjunctival sac
    940.4 Other burn of cornea & conjunctival sac
    940.5 Burn with resulting rupture & destruction of eyeball
    940.9 Unspecified burn of eye & adnexa
941 Burn of face, head, & neck
    941.0 Burn of face, head, & neck, unspecified degree
    941.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of face, head, & neck
    941.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of face, head, & neck
    941.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of face, head, & neck
    941.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of face, head, & neck without mention of loss of a body part
    941.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of face, head, & neck with loss of a body part
942 Burn of trunk
    942.0 Burn of trunk, unspecified degree
    942.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of trunk
    942.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of trunk
    942.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of trunk
    942.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of trunk without mention of loss of body part
    942.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of trunk with loss of a body part
943 Burn of upper limb, except wrist & hand
    943.0 Burn of upper limb, except wrist & hand, unspecified degree
    943.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of upper limb, except wrist & hand
    943.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of upper limb, except wrist & hand
    943.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of upper limb, except wrist & hand
    943.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of upper limb, except wrist & hand, without mention of loss of a
    943.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of upper limb, except wrist & hand, with loss of a body part
944 Burn of wrist(s) & hand(s)
    944.0 Burn of wrist(s) & hand(s), unspecified degree
    944.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of wrist(s) & hand(s)
    944.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of wrist(s) & hand(s)
    944.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of wrist(s) & hand(s)
    944.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of wrist(s) & hand(s), without mention of loss of a body part
    944.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of wrist(s) & hand(s), with loss of a body part
945 Burn of lower limb(s)
    945.0 Burn of lower limb(s), unspecified degree
    945.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of lower limb(s)
    945.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of lower limb(s)
    945.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of lower limb(s)
    945.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of lower limb(s) without mention of loss of a body part
    945.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of lower limb(s) with loss of a body part
946 Burns of multiple specified sites
    946.0 Burns of multiple specified sites, unspecified degree
    946.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree] of multiple specified sites
    946.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree] of multiple specified sites
    946.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS] of multiple specified sites
    946.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of multiple specified sites, without mention of loss of a body part
    946.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree] of multiple specified sites, with loss of a body part
947 Burn of internal organs
    947.0 Burn of mouth & pharynx
    947.1 Burn of larynx, trachea, & lung
    947.2 Burn of esophagus
    947.3 Burn of gastrointestinal tract
    947.4 Burn of vagina & uterus
    947.8 Burn of other specified sites of internal organs
    947.9 Burn of internal organs, unspecified site
948 Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved
    948.0 Burn [any degree] involving less than 10 percent of body surface
    948.1 Burn [any degree] involving 10-19 percent of body surface
    948.2 Burn [any degree] involving 20-29 percent of body surface
    948.3 Burn [any degree] involving 30-39 percent of body surface
    948.4 Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface
    948.5 Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface
    948.6 Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface
    948.7 Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface
    948.8 Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface
    948.9 Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface
949 Burn, unspecified site
    949.0 Burn of unspecified site, unspecified degree
    949.1 Erythema due to burn [first degree], unspecified site
    949.2 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn [second degree], unspecified site
    949.3 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn [third degree NOS], unspecified site
    949.4 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree], unspecified site without mention of loss of a body part
    949.5 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn [deep third degree], unspecified site with loss of a body part
950 Injury to optic nerve & pathways
    950.0 Optic nerve injury
    950.1 Injury to optic chiasm
    950.2 Injury to optic pathways
    950.3 Injury to visual cortex
    950.9 Injury to unspecified optic nerve & pathways
951 Injury to other cranial nerve(s)
    951.0 Injury to oculomotor nerve
    951.1 Injury to trochlear nerve
    951.2 Injury to trigeminal nerve
    951.3 Injury to abducens nerve
    951.4 Injury to facial nerve
    951.5 Injury to acoustic nerve
    951.6 Injury to accessory nerve
    951.7 Injury to hypoglossal nerve
    951.8 Injury to other specified cranial nerves
    951.9 Injury to unspecified cranial nerve
952 Spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury
    952.0 Cervical spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury
    952.1 Dorsal (thoracic) spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury
    952.2 Lumbar spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
    952.3 Sacral spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
    952.4 Cauda equina spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
    952.8 Multiple sites of spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
    952.9 Unspecified site of spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
953 Injury to nerve roots & spinal plexus
    953.0 Injury to cervical nerve root
    953.1 Injury to dorsal nerve root
    953.2 Injury to lumbar nerve root
    953.3 Injury to sacral nerve root
    953.4 Injury to brachial plexus
    953.5 Injury to lumbosacral plexus
    953.8 Injury to multiple sites of nerve roots & spinal plexus
    953.9 Injury to unspecified site of nerve roots & spinal plexus
954 Injury to other nerve(s) of trunk, excluding shoulder & pelvic girdles
    954.0 Injury to cervical sympathetic nerve, excluding shoulder & pelvic girdles
    954.1 Injury to other sympathetic nerve, excluding shoulder & pelvic girdles
    954.8 Injury to other specified nerve(s) of trunk, excluding shoulder & pelvic girdles
    954.9 Injury to unspecified nerve of trunk, excluding shoulder & pelvic girdles
955 Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of shoulder girdle & upper limb
    955.0 Injury to axillary nerve
    955.1 Injury to median nerve
    955.2 Injury to ulnar nerve
    955.3 Injury to radial nerve
    955.4 Injury to musculocutaneous nerve
    955.5 Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, upper limb
    955.6 Injury to digital nerve, upper limb
    955.7 Injury to other specified nerve(s) of shoulder girdle & upper limb
    955.8 Injury to multiple nerves of shoulder girdle & upper limb
    955.9 Injury to unspecified nerve of shoulder girdle & upper limb
956 Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of pelvic girdle & lower limb
    956.0 Injury to sciatic nerve
    956.1 Injury to femoral nerve
    956.2 Injury to posterior tibial nerve
    956.3 Injury to peroneal nerve
    956.4 Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, lower limb
    956.5 Injury to other specified nerve(s) of pelvic girdle & lower limb
    956.8 Injury to multiple nerves of pelvic girdle & lower limb
    956.9 Injury to unspecified nerve of pelvic girdle & lower limb
957 Injury to other & unspecified nerves
    957.0 Injury to superficial nerves of head & neck
    957.1 Injury to other specified nerve(s)
    957.8 Injury to multiple nerves in several parts
    957.9 Injury to nerves, unspecified site
958 Certain early complications of trauma
    958.0 Air embolism as an early complication of trauma
    958.1 Fat embolism as an early complication of trauma
    958.2 Secondary & recurrent hemorrhage as an early complication of trauma
    958.3 Posttraumatic wound infection not elsewhere classified
    958.4 Traumatic shock
    958.5 Traumatic anuria
    958.6 Volkmann"s ischemic contracture
    958.7 Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema
    958.8 Other early complications of trauma
959 Injury, other & unspecified
    959.0 Other & unspecified injury to face & neck
    959.1 Other & unspecified injury to trunk
    959.2 Other & unspecified injury to shoulder & upper arm
    959.3 Other & unspecified injury to elbow, forearm, & wrist
    959.4 Other & unspecified injury to hand, except finger
    959.5 Other & unspecified injury to finger
    959.6 Other & unspecified injury to hip & thigh
    959.7 Other & unspecified injury to knee, leg, ankle, & foot
    959.8 Other & unspecified injury to other specified sites, including multiple
    959.9 Other & unspecified injury to unspecified site
960 Poisoning by antibiotics
    960.0 Poisoning by penicillins
    960.1 Poisoning by antifungal antibiotics
    960.2 Poisoning by chloramphenicol group
    960.3 Poisoning by erythromycin & other macrolides
    960.4 Poisoning by tetracycline group
    960.5 Poisoning of cephalosporin group
    960.6 Poisoning of antimycobacterial antibiotics
    960.7 Poisoning by antineoplastic antibiotics
    960.8 Poisoning by other specified antibiotics
    960.9 Poisoning by unspecified antibiotic
961 Poisoning by other anti-infectives
    961.0 Poisoning by sulfonamides
    961.1 Poisoning by arsenical anti-infectives
    961.2 Poisoning by heavy metal anti-infectives
    961.3 Poisoning by quinoline & hydroxyquinoline derivatives
    961.4 Poisoning by antimalarials & drugs acting on other blood protozoa
    961.5 Poisoning by other antiprotozoal drugs
    961.6 Poisoning by anthelmintics
    961.7 Poisoning by antiviral drugs
    961.8 Poisoning by other antimycobacterial drugs
    961.9 Poisoning by other & unspecified anti-infectives
962 Poisoning by hormones & synthetic substitutes
    962.0 Poisoning by adrenal cortical steroids
    962.1 Poisoning by &rogens & anabolic congeners
    962.2 Poisoning by ovarian hormones & synthetic substitutes
    962.3 Poisoning by insulins & antidiabetic agents
    962.4 Poisoning by anterior pituitary hormones
    962.5 Poisoning by posterior pituitary hormones
    962.6 Poisoning by parathyroid & parathyroid derivatives
    962.7 Poisoning by thyroid & thyroid derivatives
    962.8 Poisoning by antithyroid agents
    962.9 Poisoning by other & unspecified hormones & synthetic substitutes
963 Poisoning by primarily systemic agents
    963.0 Poisoning by antiallergic & antiemetic drugs
    963.1 Poisoning by antineoplastic & immunosuppressive drugs
    963.2 Poisoning by acidifying agents
    963.3 Poisoning by alkalizing agents
    963.4 Poisoning by enzymes, not elsewhere classified
    963.5 Poisoning by vitamins, not elsewhere classified
    963.8 Poisoning by other specified systemic agents
    963.9 Poisoning by unspecified systemic agent
964 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting blood constituents
    964.0 Poisoning by iron & its compounds
    964.1 Poisoning by liver preparations & other antianemic agents
    964.2 Poisoning by anticoagulants
    964.3 Poisoning by vitamin K [phytonadione]
    964.4 Poisoning by fibrinolysis-affecting drugs
    964.5 Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists & other coagulants
    964.6 Poisoning by gamma globulin
    964.7 Poisoning by natural blood & blood products
    964.8 Poisoning by other specified agents affecting blood constituents
    964.9 Poisoning by unspecified agent affecting blood constituents
965 Poisoning by analgesics, antipyretics, & antirheumatics
    965.0 Poisoning by opiates & related narcotics
    965.1 Poisoning by salicylates
    965.4 Poisoning by aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified
    965.5 Poisoning by pyrazole derivatives
    965.6 Poisoning by antirheumatics (antiphlogistics)
    965.7 Poisoning by other non-narcotic analgesics
    965.8 Poisoning by other specified analgesics & antipyretics
    965.9 Poisoning by unspecified analgesic & antipyretic
966 Poisoning by anticonvulsants & anti-Parkinsonism drugs
    966.0 Poisoning by oxazolidine derivatives
    966.1 Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives
    966.2 Poisoning by succinimides
    966.3 Poisoning by other & unspecified anticonvulsants
    966.4 Poisoning by anti-Parkinsonism drugs
967 Poisoning by sedatives & hypnotics
    967.0 Poisoning by barbiturates
    967.1 Poisoning by chloral hydrate group
    967.2 Poisoning by paraldehyde
    967.3 Poisoning by bromine compounds
    967.4 Poisoning by methaqualone compounds
    967.5 Poisoning by glutethimide group
    967.6 Poisoning by mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified
    967.8 Poisoning by other sedatives & hypnotics
    967.9 Poisoning by unspecified sedative or hypnotic
968 Poisoning by other central nervous system depressants & anesthetics
    968.0 Poisoning by central nervous system muscle-tone depressants
    968.1 Poisoning by halothane
    968.2 Poisoning by other gaseous anesthetics
    968.3 Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics
    968.4 Poisoning by other & unspecified general anesthetics
    968.5 Poisoning by surface (topical) & infiltration anesthetics
    968.6 Poisoning by peripheral nerve- & plexus-blocking anesthetics
    968.7 Poisoning by spinal anesthetics
    968.9 Poisoning by other & unspecified local anesthetics
969 Poisoning by psychotropic agents
    969.0 Poisoning by antidepressants
    969.1 Poisoning by phenothiazine-based tranquilizers
    969.2 Poisoning by butyrophenone-based tranquilizers
    969.3 Poisoning by other antipsychotics, neuroleptics, & major tranquilizers
    969.4 Poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers
    969.5 Poisoning by other tranquilizers
    969.6 Poisoning by psychodysleptics (hallucinogens)
    969.7 Poisoning by psychostimulants
    969.8 Poisoning by other specified psychotropic agents
    969.9 Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic agent
970 Poisoning by central nervous system stimulants
    970.0 Poisoning by analeptics
    970.1 Poisoning by opiate antagonists
    970.8 Poisoning by other specified central nervous system stimulants
    970.9 Poisoning by unspecified central nervous system stimulant
971 Poisoning by drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
    971.0 Poisoning by parasympathomimetics (cholinergics)
    971.1 Poisoning by parasympatholytics (anticholinergics & antimuscarinics) & spasmolytics
    971.2 Poisoning by sympathomimetics (adrenergics)
    971.3 Poisoning by sympatholytics (antiadrenergics)
    971.9 Poisoning by unspecified drug primarily affecting autonomic nervous system
972 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
    972.0 Poisoning by cardiac rhythm regulators
    972.1 Poisoning by cardiotonic glycosides & drugs of similar action
    972.2 Poisoning by antilipemic & antiarteriosclerotic drugs
    972.3 Poisoning by ganglion-blocking agents
    972.4 Poisoning by coronary vasodilators
    972.5 Poisoning by other vasodilators
    972.6 Poisoning by other antihypertensive agents
    972.7 Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents
    972.8 Poisoning by capillary-active drugs
    972.9 Poisoning by other & unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
973 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
    973.0 Poisoning by antacids & antigastric secretion drugs
    973.1 Poisoning by irritant cathartics
    973.2 Poisoning by emollient cathartics
    973.3 Poisoning by other cathartics, including intestinal atonia
    973.4 Poisoning by digestants
    973.5 Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs
    973.6 Poisoning by emetics
    973.8 Poisoning by other specified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
    973.9 Poisoning by unspecified agent primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
974 Poisoning by water, mineral, & uric acid metabolism drugs
    974.0 Poisoning by mercurial diuretics
    974.1 Poisoning by purine derivative diuretics
    974.2 Poisoning by carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
    974.3 Poisoning by saluretics
    974.4 Poisoning by other diuretics
    974.5 Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric, & water-balance agents
    974.6 Poisoning by other mineral salts, not elsewhere classified
    974.7 Poisoning by uric acid metabolism drugs
975 Poisoning by agents primarily acting on the smooth & skeletal muscles & respiratory system
    975.0 Poisoning by oxytocic agents
    975.1 Poisoning by smooth muscle relaxants
    975.2 Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants
    975.3 Poisoning by other & unspecified drugs acting on muscles
    975.4 Poisoning by antitussives
    975.5 Poisoning by expectorants
    975.6 Poisoning by anti-common cold drugs
    975.7 Poisoning by antiasthmatics
    975.8 Poisoning by other & unspecified respiratory drugs
976 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting skin & mucous membrane, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological, & dental drugs
    976.0 Poisoning by local anti-infectives & anti-inflammatory drugs
    976.1 Poisoning by antipruritics
    976.2 Poisoning by local astringents & local detergents
    976.3 Poisoning by emollients, demulcents, & protectants
    976.4 Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, other hair treatment drugs & preparations
    976.5 Poisoning by eye anti-infectives & other eye drugs
    976.6 Poisoning by anti-infectives & other drugs & preparations for ear, nose, & throat
    976.7 Poisoning by dental drugs topically applied
    976.8 Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting skin & mucous membrane
    976.9 Poisoning by unspecified agent primarily affecting skin & mucous membrane
977 Poisoning by other & unspecified drugs & medicinal substances
    977.0 Poisoning by dietetics
    977.1 Poisoning by lipotropic drugs
    977.2 Poisoning by antidotes & chelating agents, not elsewhere classified
    977.3 Poisoning by alcohol deterrents
    977.4 Poisoning by pharmaceutical excipients
    977.8 Poisoning by other specified drugs & medicinal substances
    977.9 Poisoning by unspecified drug or medicinal substance
978 Poisoning by bacterial vaccines
    978.0 Poisoning by bcg vaccine
    978.1 Poisoning by typhoid & paratyphoid vaccine
    978.2 Poisoning by cholera vaccine
    978.3 Poisoning by plague vaccine
    978.4 Poisoning by tetanus vaccine
    978.5 Poisoning by diphtheria vaccine
    978.6 Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component
    978.8 Poisoning by other & unspecified bacterial vaccines
    978.9 Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component
979 Poisoning by other vaccines & biological substances
    979.0 Poisoning by smallpox vaccine
    979.1 Poisoning by rabies vaccine
    979.2 Poisoning by typhus vaccine
    979.3 Poisoning by yellow fever vaccine
    979.4 Poisoning by measles vaccine
    979.5 Poisoning by poliomyelitis vaccine
    979.6 Poisoning by other & unspecified viral & rickettsial vaccines
    979.7 Poisoning by mixed viral-rickettsial & bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component
    979.9 Poisoning by other & unspecified vaccines & biological substances
980 Toxic effect of alcohol
    980.0 Toxic effect of ethyl alcohol
    980.1 Toxic effect of methyl alcohol
    980.2 Toxic effect of isopropyl alcohol
    980.3 Toxic effect of fusel oil
    980.8 Toxic effect of other specified alcohols
    980.9 Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol
981 Toxic effect of petroleum products
982 Toxic effect of solvents other than petroleum-based
    982.0 Toxic effect of benzene & homologues
    982.1 Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride
    982.2 Toxic effect of carbon disulfide
    982.3 Toxic effect of other chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents
    982.4 Toxic effect of nitroglycol
    982.8 Toxic effect of other nonpetroleum-based solvents
983 Toxic effect of corrosive aromatics, acids, & caustic alkalis
    983.0 Toxic effect of corrosive aromatics
    983.1 Toxic effect of acids
    983.2 Toxic effect of caustic alkalis
    983.9 Toxic effect of caustic, unspecified
984 Toxic effect of lead & its compounds (including fumes)
    984.0 Toxic effect of inorganic lead compounds
    984.1 Toxic effect of organic lead compounds
    984.8 Toxic effect of other lead compounds
    984.9 Toxic effect of unspecified lead compound
985 Toxic effect of other metals
    985.0 Toxic effect of mercury & its compounds
    985.1 Toxic effect of arsenic & its compounds
    985.2 Toxic effect of manganese & its compounds
    985.3 Toxic effect of beryllium & its compounds
    985.4 Toxic effect of antimony & its compounds
    985.5 Toxic effect of cadmium & its compounds
    985.6 Toxic effect of chromium
    985.8 Toxic effect of other specified metals
    985.9 Toxic effect of unspecified metal
986 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide
987 Toxic effect of other gases, fumes, or vapors
    987.0 Toxic effect of liquefied petroleum gases
    987.1 Toxic effect of other hydrocarbon gas
    987.2 Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides
    987.3 Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide
    987.4 Toxic effect of freon
    987.5 Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas
    987.6 Toxic effect of chlorine gas
    987.7 Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid gas
    987.8 Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes, or vapors
    987.9 Toxic effect of unspecified gas, fume, or vapor
988 Toxic effect of noxious substances eaten as food
    988.0 Toxic effect of fish & shellfish eaten as food
    988.1 Toxic effect of mushrooms eaten as food
    988.2 Toxic effect of berries & other plants eaten as food
    988.8 Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food
    988.9 Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
    989.0 Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid & cyanides
    989.1 Toxic effect of strychnine & salts
    989.2 Toxic effect of chlorinated hydrocarbons
    989.3 Toxic effect of organophosphate & carbamate
    989.4 Toxic effect of other pesticides, not elsewhere classified
    989.5 Toxic effect of venom
    989.6 Toxic effect of soaps & detergents
    989.7 Toxic effect of aflatoxin & other mycotoxin (food contaminants)
    989.8 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
    989.9 Toxic effect of unspecified substance, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
990 Effects of radiation, unspecified
991 Effects of reduced temperature
    991.0 Frostbite of face
    991.1 Frostbite of hand
    991.2 Frostbite of foot
    991.3 Frostbite of other & unspecified sites
    991.4 Immersion foot
    991.5 Chilblains
    991.6 Hypothermia
    991.8 Other specified effects of reduced temperature
    991.9 Unspecified effect of reduced temperature
992 Effects of heat & light
    992.0 Heat stroke & sunstroke
    992.1 Heat syncope
    992.2 Heat cramps
    992.3 Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic
    992.4 Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion
    992.5 Heat exhaustion, unspecified
    992.6 Heat fatigue, transient
    992.7 Heat edema
    992.8 Other specified heat effects
    992.9 Unspecified effects of heat & light
993 Effects of air pressure
    993.0 Barotrauma, otitic
    993.1 Barotrauma, sinus
    993.2 Other & unspecified effects of high altitude
    993.3 Caisson disease
    993.4 Effects of air pressure caused by explosion
    993.8 Other specified effects of air pressure
    993.9 Unspecified effect of air pressure
994 Effects of other external causes
    994.0 Effects of lightning
    994.1 Drowning & nonfatal submersion
    994.2 Effects of hunger
    994.3 Effects of thirst
    994.4 Exhaustion due to exposure
    994.5 Exhaustion due to excessive exertion
    994.6 Motion sickness
    994.7 Asphyxiation & strangulation
    994.8 Electrocution & nonfatal effects of electric current
    994.9 Other effects of external causes
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified
    995.0 Anaphylactic shock, not elsewhere classified
    995.1 Angioneurotic edema, not elsewhere classified
    995.2 Unspecified adverse effect of drug, medicinal & biological substance, not elsewhere classified
    995.3 Allergy, unspecified, not elsewhere classified
    995.4 Shock due to anesthesia, not elsewhere classified
    995.5 Child maltreatment syndrome
    995.8 Other specified adverse effects, not elsewhere classified
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures
    996.0 Mechanical complication of cardiac device, implant, & graft
    996.1 Mechanical complication of other vascular device, implant, & graft
    996.2 Mechanical complication of nervous system device, implant, & graft
    996.3 Mechanical complication of genitourinary device, implant, & graft
    996.4 Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant, & graft
    996.5 Mechanical complication of other specified prosthetic device, implant, & graft
    996.6 Infection & inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, & graft
    996.7 Other complications of internal prosthetic device, implant, & graft
    996.8 Complications of transplanted organ
    996.9 Complications of reattached extremity or body part
997 Complications affecting specified body systems, not elsewhere classified
    997.0 Central nervous system complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.1 Cardiac complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.2 Peripheral vascular complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.3 Respiratory complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.4 Gastrointestinal complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.5 Urinary complications, not elsewhere classified
    997.6 Late amputation stump complication
    997.9 Complications affecting other specified body systems, not elsewhere classified
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified
    998.0 Postoperative shock, not elsewhere classified
    998.1 Hemorrhage or hematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified
    998.2 Accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified
    998.3 Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified
    998.4 Foreign body accidentally left during a procedure, not elsewhere classified
    998.5 Postoperative infection, not elsewhere classified
    998.6 Persistent postoperative fistula, not elsewhere classified
    998.7 Acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, not elsewhere classified
    998.8 Other specified complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified
    998.9 Unspecified complication of procedure, not elsewhere classified
999 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified
    999.0 Generalized vaccinia as a complication of medical care, not elsewhere classified
    999.1 Air embolism as a complication of medical care, not elsewhere classified
    999.2 Other vascular complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified
    999.3 Other infection due to medical care, not elsewhere classified
    999.4 Anaphylactic shock due to serum, not elsewhere classified
    999.5 Other serum reaction, not elsewhere classified
    999.6 Abo incompatibility reaction, not elsewhere classified
    999.7 Rh incompatibility reaction, not elsewhere classified
    999.8 Other transfusion reaction, not elsewhere classified
    999.9 Other & unspecified complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified





Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology  ,   Chia-Yi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital